Setting up the λ | Cortex Go App with your NVR
This Guide will instruct you on the process required to get your λ | Cortex NVR set up with the λ | Cortex Go App.
What you will need:
- λ | Cortex NVR
- Monitor
- Mobile device with λ | Cortex Go app installed (codes can be found below)
- Network Cable from the NVR to the router
Step 1: Setting Your NVR Up
- Plug your NVR to your router via a standard ethernet cable.
- Once the NVR is on you can use the mouse and Right Click to bring up the options and then select Settings and then Settings Login
- Once the Settings Menu is open you can select the Network option to open your network settings.
- Under the DHCP/Manual option, check the unit has been assigned an IP Address (Take not of this address) and select Accept Changes to save this.
- Now the NVR is on the network it will require remote access to be set up, this is done via Port Forwarding, you will need to log in to your router and open up Inbound TCP Port 50000 to your NVRs IP address. Normally your internet service provider will be able to assist or do this for you, if not guides are available for most routers online.
Step 2: DDNS
(Please skip this step if you are using a QR code as your connection method)
Once your unit is on the local network and port forwarded you can begin to view online, however most sites are on a Dynamic IP address which changes often, setting up a DDNS overcomes this problem. (If your site is using a static IP address you can skip to step 3 or if you plan to use a private DDNS provider please skip to part 6 of this section)
- Go to our website, move the option that say Support, the Select QVIS DDNS.
- Select Registration
- This will ask for some basic details, such as Name, Email address, password and security question.
- Once you have created your account select the option for Create Additional Domain Names
- You will need to enter a name for your domain, save this and take note of it as you will need this for later.
- Go back to the NVR and go back to the Network Page.
- Select the DDNS Settings option.
- Enter the details you have just created and select the Accept Changes option, you will get a confirmation message to say your DDNS has been successfully added.
Step 3: Adding Your DVR to the App
- Open the λ | Cortex Go App
- Once the app has loaded you will be greeted by " Add NVR option"
- Select Add NVR
- You will be asked to enter the IP address which will be either your static IP Address or your Domain Name which you may have created if needed in step 2. You will then need to enter the username and password for the NVR and provide a Device Name, this can be for anything and is for your reference.
- You can also use a QR Code as your connection method using the "Scan QR code " then scanning the QR code which is found on the live display of the NVR , right clicking the mouse and selecting QR code will display this on screen.
Step 4: Live Viewing Your Cameras
- Select one of the empty windows on screen, this will then open the device list, select your NVR then select the camera you wish to view.
- Your camera image will now be live on screen! You can use controls such as zoom, focus and pan & tilt if your camera supports this.
- You can press the
icon to bring up the option to view different layouts.
- Selecting the device name of the NVR will display all connected camera, For our example selecting the " demo" name displays all camera connected to this 32 channel system
Step 5: Playback
- Once you have the camera up on screen, double press the camera to bring it up full screen. You can press the
icon to bring up you playback option, here you can select to playback a preset period or select Jump to Time to select a preferred date and time.
- You can use the pause, play fast forward and rewind control to go through your footage.