This guide will explain how to set up the Kestrel DVR/NVRs with PTZ (Pan, Tilt & Zoom) cameras. (If you are using IP, please skip Step 1)
What you will need:
- Monitor
- Mouse
- PTZ Camera
- RS485 Connection (If not using coaxial control)
Step 1: Connecting and Setting Up
- The PTZ camera needs to be connected to the DVR via the coax video connection. If your PTZ supports control over coax you won't need to connect anything else. If your PTZ uses control over RS485, this will need to be wired to the A and B ports on the back of the unit. These wires should be labelled as A and B or + and - (+ is A, - is B) on your PTZ.
(Please check your PTZ to see if it uses coaxial or RS485 control).
- On the DVR right click and go to Main Menu.
- On the Main Menu go to Channel Type and you will have an option for PTZ along the top.
- Select PTZ then select the channel number of the channel your PTZ camera is connected to.
- You will then need to select either Coaxial or RS485 depending on your camera. If using RS485 you will need to input the Protocol, Address and Baudrate of your camera (Please refer to the PTZ manual or menu to find this information).
- Press Apply to confirm.
Step 2: Operation
Now the PTZ is connected to the DVR/NVR and it is set to the right configuration you can begin to operate your camera.
- On the video wall, double click your PTZ camera to bring it up full screen.
- Right click and select PTZ Control.
- You will then be able to see the control panel for the camera control, some of the features are self-explanatory such as up, down, left, right and zoom and focus.
- Once you have you confirmed this is working you can also use the PTZ controls on the Kestrel Viewer app. (Please refer to the app for information on this).
Step 3: Presets
The camera can be taught to remember certain positions or 'Presets' which can be recalled during operation.
- Using the PTZ control panel from the previous step, use the directional arrows to position your camera to the position you would like to save.
- Select PTZ Config
- Set the number you would like to save this position as for reference.
- Set the name of the positions.
- Press Set to save this position. Pressing Remove deletes this position.
- Repeat for all the positions you would like to save, changing the number and name each time.
Step 4: Tour
Once you have several presets saved you can set the camera to cycle between them in a pattern.
- To start setting the Tour go to PTZ Config on the PTZ control panel.
- To create your Patrol, press the Set button.
- Select the Preset number you wish to add to the tour.
- Enter the length of time you wish to stay on that preset in Stay Time.
- Select Add. (Repeat for each preset in the tour).
- Select Esc when finished, select the tour you have created, and press start to begin the tour.